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The Great Burn Is Coming...

On May 15th, in celebration of our 1 Year Anniversary, we'll be burning 2/3 of the total supply of NFTs!

What does that mean? Well, it means your NFTs are about to become a lot more rare. Check out the FAQ below to learn more!


In short, your NFTs are about to become a lot more rare.

We'll be burning it from the Master Supply, which is the Opensea supply. That means if you have not yet converted your NFTs, you have until May 14th to convert them or you may risk not being able to convert them, evolve them or use them in tournaments. So be sure to take stock of what you have and head over to the Elonmart on the main site to begin conversion as soon as possible.

What else?

There will not be a Third Edition. Second Edition is the final edition for the original 151. We will continue producing new, never before seen Pokelon for 2E, but there will not be a third edition of the original 151 or any reprints of the original 151.


With NFTs, rarity is everything. We want to create a healthy trade/selling environment and reward the users who have collected diligently! By reducing the supply, all NFTs will become considerably more scarce.

What about 1e?

Due to requests from the community and the costs of conversion, we will not be burning First Edition cards.

How about evolutions?

Evolutions will not be burned, you will still have time to evolve them.

Why do i need to convert?

Rarity Garden NFTs are best thought of as tickets for the Opensea ones. They have no intrinsic value, cannot be evolved or be used in the game. If you don't convert before the burn, your Rarity Garden NFTs will have no value, as they cannot be evolved. 

Once the burn is complete, the only NFTs remaining will be the final 1/3 of the supply on the farm, some holos for giveaways and Pokelon Safari.

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